Monday, October 17, 2011

Pumpkin Patch Disaster

So for the second year in a row we ended up in the ER after a visit to the pumpkin patch. I know, I's just a pumpkin patch but apparently it can be dangerous too!

Last year while we were living in good ole AU we went to a pumpkin patch that had bouncy houses, tractor rides, petting zoo etc. Well we had done all the games we were going to play and we headed to the pumpkin patch area by hayride. Down by the pumpkin patch they had a barn with horses in it and Ava loves horses so we went in to look at them. Apparently one was a little skittish and after Ava stepped on the stool to get a better look, the horse knocked Ava in the head and right off the stool into the sawdust. This incident has now left her with a scar on her forehead and a story to tell. Mind you, I had not taken the pictures I had wanted to take and of course that opportunity passed. A bloody forehead and crying Ava does not make for good pictures. So off to the ER where I worked and one of the lovely NP's glued her head together!

Cut to this past weekend.  Charlie found a great place for us to go called Kackleberry Farms. It was about an hour away but had so much to do! It had a corn maze, petting zoo, corn box, zip lines, pony name it. We had already done a few things and had been there maybe an hour and a half and Charlie took Olivia back to the petting zoo area because she just loves her animals. The kid is fearless around them! Well, she decided she wanted to get closer to the goats so Charlie was pulling her away when he heard her wrist pop. So he brings her back crying to me and I so astutely notice she is not moving her right arm. She is crying, we still hadn't managed to get our pumpkins yet and it was hot. Again not a good combination. So now I am carrying her, convinced she has nursemaids elbow, to the pumpkin patch because we need a pumpkin, dangit! We picked out our pumpkin, Olivia was fine until I put her down to try and take a picture of her by the pumpkins...didn't work! Poor Ava, she still had hopes that we could stay longer but alas...we needed to go to the ER.

So we left the pumpkin patch and headed to the ER an hour away. Charlie was trying to convince me I was over reacting and we didn't need to go to the ER. So I demonstrated that she was still unable to move the arm by offering her a cracker which she accepted...with her left hand! She is not a lefty btw.  Charlie changes tactics at this point and is wanting me to fix her elbow. Yeah right....I might have seen it a bunch working in the ER but I was not about to do it myself! We finally make it there, sign in and walk right to a room. The peds doc comes in within minutes and fixes her and gives us our discharge paperwork. We weren't even registered yet! Thankfully she was fine and it only took 20 minutes from start to us walking out the door. Couldn't have asked for a faster visit!

Olivia is fine now. Once it popped back in she was able to move it just fine, kid is tough let me tell you! Of course it is more likely to happen again but hopefully it won't! We went home and ate hamburgers and off to bed the girls went.  

Charlie swears we are not going to another pumpkin patch again. I might have to agree on this one! Enjoy the pictures!

 Olivia loved the goats!

 Looking at the sheep.

 Riding a tractor.

 Getting directions in the corn maze.

 Little diva!

 This is her smile for taking pictures now! What a ham!

 Ava in the corn maze.

 We made it!

 Olivia enjoying the swings.

 She did pick up a little color...we had the sunroof open on way over...just a little pink!

 Ava looking for the perfect pumpkin!

Stupid camera focused on the grass. Anyways my attempt to take a picture of Olivia by a pumpkin with her dislocated elbow. You can tell she isn't moving the right one. Poor baby! Headed to ER after this!


  1. Poor Olivia! She looked so cute in her dress, and I decided she looks more like Charlie than you

  2. Wow~~ Next year might need sunblock, band-aides and the ER on call!LMAO!! Those are great memories even if ER visits come with them!LOL!
