Sunday, February 19, 2012

6 weeks old...

So apparently time seems to move faster when you have a newborn...either that or you are just more aware of it! Little Harper is now 6 weeks old and she is just as cute as can be! She is beginning to smile and coo and it is just the cutest thing ever! Last night she even slept from 830 to 6! Rock on little one! I will take that every night!

 update: so i wrote this 2 days ago but my video i wanted wasn't loading...i loaded another similar one instead...btw it is 115 in the morning and harper is just now going to sleep!

Friday, February 17, 2012

Sweet, hot mess...

Olivia. She is such a fun little person. It is such a joy to watch her grow and explore everything around her. Her vocabulary is growing rapidly, she loves to read books, play in the dirt,  jump on the couch, sing and dance, give her sisters hugs and kisses and for Ava hitting or biting her. We are trying to get her to wear a clip in her hair which we have had moderate success at. Most of the time she just pulls it out or when I see her messing with it I will tell her not to touch so instead she just rubs her head on whatever is nearest to get it out. She is a klutz...will trip on everything but she is a tough little cookie. She has a bruise on her cheek right you can actually bruise your cheek I'm not sure but there it is. I love me some Olivia!

 Olivia playing with all of Ava's books...she's pretty messy...

 Which one to read?

 I had to take her pants off after playing outside...they were muddy and wet...she then decided to try on my shoes...apparently she skinned her knee somehow...didn't notice till I was looking at the pics!

 thats not food on her face... its mud.

 cool cat...

trying out my green monster smoothie...mustache anyone?

Thursday, February 16, 2012

My Valentine's

These are the lovely ladies I am lucky to call my Valentines!

 Sweet Olivia!

 Baby Harper just hanging out in her swing!

 Olivia enjoying a good book!

 Sisterly love at its best!

 Can't forget Jetta!

 Ava after school with Olivia.

 Trying to get all three girls is hard!

 My beautiful Valentines!

 Olivia jumping away from the picture taking on the couch.

 Ava is so happy to be a big sister again! She loves little Harper!

 Trying to get all their feet...I really need to get my other lens fixed...

 Again...Olivia is not being very cooperative!


Love <3

Happy Valentines Day 2012!

Monday, February 6, 2012

weekend + audrea = fun!

i love weekends! this weekend we had a bestie audrea! she made the long trek from auburn to see us! we were able to hang out and relax most of the weekend and it was awesome.  our weekend in a nutshell...pancakes...the canal...micheals...the help...brusters...playing outside...big green egg vomit...i love when we get to hang out! my only wish was that she lived closer! a few snapshots of her visit.

 ava looking out at the savannah river.


 harper and i!
 audrea and ava on the canal.

 audrea and harper!

 hahaha! cowboy charlie grilling out!

 the girls enjoying the beautiful weather!

 olivia trying on daddys hat!

my naked girls! playing in the dogs water dish...oh to be young again :)

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Happy Groundhog Day!

So the first month of the year is already gone and we're onto February! Time sure is flying already! I guess we have another six weeks of winter...didn't know it was winter though...could've fooled me with temps in the low 70's the past 2 days! today Harper turned 4 weeks old! She is such a sweet baby! I even got her to smile at me today...for real :) Sure, it may have been a fluke but I'll take it! Some nights she does good, sleep wise, and others...not so much! Last night...not so much. Maybe an early bed time for me tonight!

Olivia is doing well. She is expanding her vocabulary. Anytime she sees Harper now she says 'baby'. She is turning into a little person now, which is sad for me because she is not a little baby anymore! She is now throwing tantrums more so I've been dealing with that but for the most part she is a fun and curious little girl!

Ava is doing well too. She started the testing for the gifted program yesterday and she's got several days of  that. She is a great reader her teacher says. At home we have been reading the Little House on the Prairie series, its fun for me too. It's been so long since I've read them it's like reading them for the first time!

Here are some new pics that I took while we played outside today. Such gorgeous weather! Hope everyone is well!

 Olivia and her hair...we have been trying to put clips in it to control it but she keeps taking them out!

 Haha! Ava looks like a badass in this picture! Complete with Tinkerbell tattoo!

 Hard to get a good picture of her when she keeps running around!

 Harper at 4 weeks! :)

 Starting to smile!

 Blue eyes!

 Sliding down the hill in the front yard with her chalk! She had put it in her mouth when she ran out of hands!

Playing so nice together! :)