Monday, March 19, 2012

S**t happens...

We were having a good morning, not running late or anything.  Ava and I went over her spelling words, she ate breakfast, her lunch got packed. So at 2 minutes till she was supposed to leave for the bus stop we go to get her shoes on. See, we had just bought her some new shoes, which of course she left in the car. I run out to get them and help her get them on. So I was tying the one shoe on her foot(yes, I know she is 7 years old and I never taught her to tie shoes, my bad) when I hear the school bus motoring by. I of course start freaking out and yell "S**t!  Ava go, go, go!" So Ava runs out the door with one shoe on and one shoe off and no back pack, of course.  So off I go running after her in the driveway in my pajamas with her backpack. Of course the bus driver saw her and waited for her so I put Ava's other shoe on and off she ran to catch the bus. I came back inside and it was only 7:52. Her bus isn't supposed to be there until 7:54. So it wasn't totally my fault.

Happy Monday!


We are growing our own pineapple plant. We bought a fresh pineapple from the store last week and I read that you could use part of it to grow your own. So we are. Hopefully. Here's to our new pineapple plant!

Friday, March 16, 2012


Ok. Sorry. I have been MIA for the past month(apparently). I guess that is what happens when you have 3 kids, a dog and a husband! We haven't been up to too much...really just hanging around.

A few updates:

Harper had her 2 month check up on March 5th. Her stats(at the time) 12lbs and 6oz and 23 inches tall! Those numbers put her in the 85th percentile for weight and 75th for height. She is a big, squishy baby! Can't say it enough but I just love that baby! Now she is talking a lot more...cooing and what not! We are doing better with our days and nights, she just goes to bed a little later and she sleeps on into the morning... of course she eats and then goes back to sleep. I have cut back on drinking milk and eating made her really gassy and since I've done this I have noticed a difference...poops less and not as bloated!  All in all, another great baby!

Olivia is just blossoming into her on little person! Her vocabulary now is amazing! She can say a lot of colors, can name some letters of the alphabet, tells me when she wants a drink but saying milk or when she is hungry she saying eat or hungry, and is just so sweet and loving to her sisters! She walks around saying baby or Hawper when she can't see her and gives her hugs and kisses too. Of course she is a little rough with her but she is still learning. This kid who can be so sweet and affectionate can have a tantrum at the drop of a hat! Hitting the terrible twos a little early! For the most part though she is such a sweet girl...and I love her.

Ava. What to say about Ava. She's goofy, dramatic, she likes to talk...too much...gets in trouble at school for that. She's smart...has been tested for the gifted program...still waiting on results. We started a new chore system for her. Instead of making her do chores we've assigned a monetary value to all the chores and she can do as little or as many chores as she wants. Typically she does few...she always tells me she'll do it tomorrow(takes after me on that one) but for the most part it is working well. She is learning responsibility and we are teaching her about money. Hopefully this will stick! She earned $5 this week!  Ava is such a big help to us and love her to pieces!

Around the house its been pretty busy. Last weekend we tidied up the yard. I got to mow it for the first time this year! Charlie put in a lot of manual labor cleaning up the landscaping and hauling mulch and rocks around! Love him! The yard looks so much better! We have also had a lot of people over working on repairs to the house. We had some water damage in our dining room so the builder came in put up gutters, took out the damaged wood and insulation and replaced the trim and moulding, repainted the shutters, took care of a broken light and got us set up with a fence guy! Whew! Busy time for the house!

As for me...I've been working on keeping the house clean, laundry done, grocery shopping taken care of, and baking. Oh yeah and I completed a craft project! I am adding color to my bedroom and I started by making some wall hangings out of styrofoam, scrapbook paper and ribbon! They turned out good! Baking wise I made a homemade apple pie(complete with from scratch crust!) chocolate chocolate chip muffins (x2), banana blueberry muffins, from scratch brownies and more!

Thats more or less whats been going on! Till next time!

 Olivia and her cool "puwpuw" shades :)

 Pushing her car in the backyard.

Tipping her car over and playing in it.

 My craft project for my bedroom.

 Ava playing restaurant in the dirt. Any no those are not gloves.

 Olivia assisting Ava with her restaurant.

 Harper at 8 weeks.

 Harper on her 2 month birthday!

 Yes, Olivia wanted to put a bib on and yes she is wearing it on our walk in the neighborhood!

 She picked up a balloon from our realtor who we ran into on our walk.

 Sleepy girl...waking up from her nap.

 Sweet baby...starting to hold her head up!

 Yes these are out of order...oh well...

 Harper today. Getting her smile on!

 Olivia working her smile!
