Wednesday, November 14, 2012

The many faces of Harper

Let me tell you...Harper is just really coming alive these days! She is acting more like a little person than a helpless little baby! She's 10 months old now and she has been waving back at me and clapping when I clap, she tries to give her sisters kisses but they are too busy to notice! :( She has also taken a fancy to crawling up on things and into the dishwasher! I caught her in there the other day banging my spoons around! Today we were listening to Dave Matthews on Pandora and I found her "dancing" to the music. Don't get me wrong, its nothing too exciting but it's so cute watching her move to the music! Love that sweet baby!

The pictures were all from my phone so the first ones are a little old.

Ummm...I don't think so!

Passed out during lunch!

Pushing the stroller....

I could just eat them up!!!!

Pulled herself to standing for the first time at doctor's office! (9 months)

And I found her in the dishwasher playing with spoons!

Trying to crawl out to get me!

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

All Hallow's Eve

Trick or treat, smell my feet, give me something good to eat, if you don't, I don't care, I'll pull down your... oh sorry...hehe...couldn't resist!

Anyways...Halloween is one of the Murren's favorite holidays...Charlie more so than me...he's a little more extreme :) So the house has been decorated, the dry ice was bought(told you...more extreme) candy was purchased and costumes were ready to go. Well almost...I was sewing on the spots to Olivia's ladybug costume this afternoon...such a procrastinator! Either way it was finished in plenty of time. Olivia has been looking foward to trick or treating for the past couple of days now. Last night she threw a fit before bed because she wanted to go trick or treating. All day today it was I want candy or I want trick or treating...ahhh...sweet little Olivia.

So I got Olivia all ready to go before Ava got home...minus her tutu. After Ava got home it was time to get her ready. Again...Charlie's extreme nature kicks in, wanted Ava's hair and face painted. I couldn't find the right color for her hair so we skipped that and went on to makeup. There was a small debacle with the dry ice melting and someone blaming someone else (ahem) for the in the spirit of Halloween I thought I would let Charlie paint Ava's face. Haha! What was I thinking! Thankfully she is still young and thought he did a wonderful job! He has since told me next year it is my job to do her face!

After everyone was ready we headed outside for some quick pictures before we headed out. I took all the girls and we met up with some neighbors for trick or treating. Olivia was so excited. She tried walking into peoples houses, taking candy out of their bags...etc. Next year she should be better! She was only able to cover half of the neighborhood before I had to return her home because she was walking to slow and not keeping up. So after that Ava and the other children finished the neighborhood. We got a ton of candy and still had some left over! We'll be having candy for a long time!

Hope everyone had a safe and fun holiday!

Doesn't the makeup make her look sad?

Can you tell Charlie did her makeup? :)

Not saying my ladybug was all that great either!

After taking 20 pictures of the three of them this is one of the better ones....sad day!

My little pumpkin!

A pumpkin, a vampire and a ladybug

Olivia is saying lets go trick or treating!

Don't worry, Harper didn't go trick or treating in this...she was back in her regular clothes...too cold for this!

Ladybug throwing a tantrum on the floor...

Double double toil and trouble, fire burn and cauldron bubble! 

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

dairy farm fun!

ok. forgive me for not posting sooner! i've been lazy again! anyways, 2 weekends ago we went to a local dairy farm for our fall outing. it was steeds dairy farm and it was awesome! nobody got hurt and the weather was fantastic. we enjoyed seeing a cow milking demonstration...did you know that some cows can produce up to 16 gallons of milk a day? crazy right? anyway, we did the typical hay ride, corn maize, petting farm animals thing and the girls loved it!

Ava on the tire swing.

Olivia on the tire swing.

Baby cow! So cute! 
oink, oink!

the cow was licking Charlie's arm, he said it felt like it was trying to eat him...

Ava was scared to pet the cow but she finally did!

the girls "milking" the cow!

Pony ride! Olivia was so excited about this, she kept trying to cut in the line to get on it!

Ava was scared of this slide and screamed the whole way down...people were stopping and staring at the slide! haha! Olivia on the other hand went down like a champ!

Pouty face after being forced going down the slide.

Duck races!

More duck races!

Corn pit!

All Harper wanted to do was eat the corn...had to fish some out of her mouth!

Hay ride fun!

No one ever looks at the camera anymore!

sitting on a tractor outside the corn maize.

I braved the rickety seat of the tractor to ride with Olivia!

Corn maize!

Again, I can never get everyone looking at the camera! Its either one or the other!

Charlie was super excited I was taking his picture! Hehe!

Happy Fall everyone!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Spelling in chalk

Just another afternoon at the Murrens. Ava had to write her spelling words in chalk for homework so out we went and enjoyed the beautiful weather.

I know its blurry but this is Harpers new thing...scrunching up her nose and smiling!

Super cute!

Sweet girl!

Hard at work.

Harper trying to steal the chalk and eat it! 
Ava's temporary tatoo on her hand.

Spelling words complete with picture to match!

I surprised Ava by taking this...and yes Harper was actually eating chalk. :) 
No Olivia. She was inside taking a late nap :)