Monday, March 19, 2012

S**t happens...

We were having a good morning, not running late or anything.  Ava and I went over her spelling words, she ate breakfast, her lunch got packed. So at 2 minutes till she was supposed to leave for the bus stop we go to get her shoes on. See, we had just bought her some new shoes, which of course she left in the car. I run out to get them and help her get them on. So I was tying the one shoe on her foot(yes, I know she is 7 years old and I never taught her to tie shoes, my bad) when I hear the school bus motoring by. I of course start freaking out and yell "S**t!  Ava go, go, go!" So Ava runs out the door with one shoe on and one shoe off and no back pack, of course.  So off I go running after her in the driveway in my pajamas with her backpack. Of course the bus driver saw her and waited for her so I put Ava's other shoe on and off she ran to catch the bus. I came back inside and it was only 7:52. Her bus isn't supposed to be there until 7:54. So it wasn't totally my fault.

Happy Monday!

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