Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Mistletoe State Park

So this past weekend we loaded everybody up and went to a local state park. It was about 30 minutes from our house so it wasn't too bad of a drive. It was a beautiful park and had lots of walking trails, beaches, campsites, boat docks, picnic areas etc.

We started off by taking a hike in the woods. I was kind of skeptical that Olivia would be able to walk that far but she actually surprised me! Granted, she kept trying to pick up the pine straw/dirt and would trip over every tree root and wanted to wander off the beaten path, but other than that she did awesome!

Jetta loved it. Charlie let her off the leash after a little bit and it was awesome to see her get to run around and jump like she was. She doesn't really get to do that at our house so I'm pretty sure she enjoyed herself.

Ava was our leader, she did a better job on the way out than back but she had fun. She was mad she forgot her bird book and binoculars but I have a feeling we will be back soon. She is very excited to go back and do some camping and swimming there.

Charlie has now become all enthused to go camping again. After we got home he was on the computer for hours I swear looking up camping gear. He thinks we won't all fit in our tent and we need to get a bigger one! We'll see!

All the campsites were really nice too. They have around 90+ sites to choose from and many are located right on the lake. All of the come equipped with picnic tables and poles to hang garbage/lights as well. Only a handful don't have water/electricity, we probably would get one without because those were probably the best sites and the you couldn't see the camping sites next to you!

All in all it was an enjoyable day at Mistletoe State Park and everyone had a blast. Jetta and Olivia both napped on the way home! We can't wait for more adventures there!

I could not get her and the camera to cooperate while taking pictures so this is the only one I had of her face! On our hike!

 My little hiker!

 After Olivia got tired Daddy gave her a lift!

Ava enjoying our hike!

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