Friday, September 9, 2011

Homemade Carrot Cupcakes with Cream Cheese Frosting

So a few days ago Charlie asked me if I would make some cupcakes for the guys at his work. Apparently they were jealous of his cupcake I had made and had put in his lunch. Of course I agreed, no big deal. I wanted to come up with something really yummy and found a recipe out of a Southern Living baking magazine I had picked up. It was perfect. Who doesn't like carrot cake with cream cheese frosting.

Me being the procrastinator I am, waited until the last minute to make these cupcakes(through no fault of my own mind you). I finished decorating them last night around 1030pm. Oh well. I bought the wrong flour at my first Wal-Mart run. I bought all purpose flour and assumed that the recipe called for that, I was wrong. I needed self rising flour! Ugh! After I put the girls to bed I was able to make another run to Wal-Mart.

Anyways. These cupcakes looked and smelled delicious! Gotta love the way baking makes your house smell so good. While the cupcakes were cooling I was working on the frosting and let me tell you that was messy! I told Charlie last week I wanted a stand mixer for Christmas. Maybe I will get one :) Half the frosting ended up on me and the floor.

 Mmmm...look at all the cupcakes!

 The frosting was soooo messy but soooo yummy :)

 Told you it was messy! My belly caught a lot of the frosting!

 Look how pretty!

Ready to be delivered!

In the end though they turned out great and everyone loved them! Charlie told me the guys thought they were store bought! Such a compliment! I got to try one tonight and it was amazing! Pat on the back for me! Gotta run...more cupcakes to eat!