Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Smarty Pants

My eldest.
My first drama queen.
Yep. That would be the one and only Ava.

We went to her parent teacher conference this am. Mainly I heard good things, a few things we need to work on as well though. What stands out most though is that the teacher wanted to recommend her for the gifted program! You heard right! My oldest baby is little miss smarty pants! Music to my ears! This isn't going to happen now though. Her teacher said she would have to change class and they weren't going to do that now. BUT, at the end of the year she was recommending her for the gifted program! I've always said she was too smart for her own good!

For example, she scored a 79/80 on her word recognition...they have to know 150 by the end of the year...think we got that one covered! She also said she was a great reader and wrote very well too. Mrs. Panke (her teacher) said she new things at the start of the year that she wasn't expected to know, such as counting money, punctuation marks and identifying commonalities in a group of words!

Of course there are the things we need to work on. She reverses some of her numbers, but that is apparently pretty common at this age. I was told she is moody(just like her daddy, but you didn't hear that from me!) and a bit dramatic and she tends to bossy people around. She told the teacher she didn't like herself. Mrs. Panke asked why and she said it was because her room was messy and she wouldn't get to play that day because she had to clean it. Really. I don't know where she gets this from. I mentioned that Ava didn't talk about friends from school and she said it could be that she hasn't found anyone she can identify with yet and maybe when she gets to working with gifted program it might get better.

My homage to my smarty pants!
 Fun at Grandma Boo's this summer!

 Goofing off!

 Her mischievous face!

She lost her third tooth!

Drama queen! Crying because the grass was making her itchy!

She's a good kid. God love her! I know I do!

1 comment:

  1. Yay! Hopefully she will be able to find some friends, and hopefully a more advanced program will keep her occupied and interested, and less interested in being dramatic. The thing about her room was hilarious!
