Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Fun day Monday

Well...not really. I decided that I needed to get a lot of stuff done yesterday, some of which was not fun at all! I figured Mondays are generally not fun anyways so may as well do not fun things and get them out of the way! So my day yesterday in a nutshell:

-Get up and get Ava off to school. Not always easy, she is not a morning person.
-Feed Olivia.
-Feed Charlie. (He was late for work but shhhh don't tell)
-Walk the dog and Olivia. This wasn't bad.
-Clean downstairs floors. That meant I had to pick up stuff(toys) while my toddler was still playing with       them so she kept putting them back on the floor. Not easy to vacuum that way. Swiffer vacuumed the hardwoods. Love that thing btw! It sucks up bigger things and gets all the small dirt in the disposable pad! Jetta hates this thing, she chased me around and kept running into barking. Doesn't make for easy cleaning either.
-Olivia went down for a nap.
-Mommy went out to mow the yard. I didn't get to it this weekend so had to do it yesterday.
-Olivia is awake from nap so now it is lunch time. Feeding times in this house are really long due to Olivia playing with her food, pulling it out of her mouth and putting it back in, feeding it to the dog etc.
-Showering while watching Olivia, she's gotten better. She no longer screams when I am in the shower...makes it a little more enjoyable.
-Cleaning the kitchen. I despise this. I love a clean kitchen...hate the process to get it clean. That meant I had to wash a lot by hand. Of course I had my little helper Olivia trying to unload the dirty dishes. Always fun!
-Ava got home from school. She did her homework and I put her in charge of some chores.
-More laundry.
-Played with Olivia and Jetta.
-Started dinner.
-Made cinnamon swirl bread. Which btw was totally awesome. I was a little paranoid making it. Just ask my mom. The minute I heard the timer beep I hung up on her to add my cinnamon and sugar for the swirl. I thought it was never going to beep.
-Reheated Charlies dinner.
-Made brownies.
-Made Charlies lunch.
-Watch tv.

Needless to say I was exhausted. I didn't get everything done that I wanted. I'm trying to work on those today. Need to clean bathrooms and I did manage to vacuum 2 rooms upstairs. 2 more to go. Ahhh...but I did enjoy my bread some more today. Maybe next time I will sprinkle some more cinnamon and sugar on top. That would be so yummy!

Happy Tuesday!


  1. Your bread looks great-such perfect swirl! Your post also reminded me that I have a GF cinnamon raisin bread mix at home-maybe I will make that tonight.

  2. One more thing-I think your time stamps are off. My post says 6:58, my computer says 8:58am. You can change the time somewhere-maybe settings?
