So last weekend the gang and I loaded up the Suburban and drove to Atlanta for the weekend. We got an early start on Friday because Ava was sick with a fever and sore throat and didn't go to school. So we hung out and relaxed Friday, which was nice.
Saturday we had plans to go to the Auburn Clemson game at the Georgia Dome! Super excited! Ava still wasn't feeling well but we went out for breakfast and after we got back Megan came over and took Ava the rest of the afternoon. We planned on going tailgating with Charlie's work so we dropped the other girls off with Megan and off we went! First football game of the season! After food and drinks we headed over to the Dome and spent the rest of the night cheering on the Auburn Tigers, who, despite their best efforts didn't win. Oh well. We still had a great time!
Sunday we were ready to pack it up and head home to Augusta. Of course Ava still wasn't feeling well and developed a rash on top of the fever and sore throat she had. We spent the rest of Labor Day weekend fairly low key so not much to report. I figured out Ava actually had strep throat so I took her to the doctor on Monday(they were open!) and got out prescription and she is now on the mend!
Funny story though, I planned on keeping Ava home from school Tuesday to let the antibiotics work and get her feeling better but apparently Ava
really wanted to go to school, so much so that she packed her own lunch and snuck out the front door and was waiting at the bus stop. All at the right time mind you! When I called her to come back inside she started crying saying I forgot to fix her breakfast! Haha! Go figure, she sneaks out to go to school and then blames me for not fixing her breakfast. What a nut! Anyways, she is back at school today and hopefully doing well!
Olivia sitting on a bike. No she does not move unless someone is pushing her! |
Ava driving, despite feeling bad she enjoyed this! |
So happy! |
Olivia's turn to drive(ride) with Daddy! |
You can sort of see the rash on her chest from the strep throat. |
Sweet Harper! |
Love my baby! |
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