So with the arrival of Harper we have been blessed to have our family come stay and visit with us. It has been wonderful. Charlie's mom stayed and helped with the girls while I was in the hospital and completed many home improvement projects for us. Totally awesome! Todd came and visited us while I was still in the hospital. He was on his way back to NC for school. My parents came the first weekend and then my mom came and stayed a few days after that and we actually managed to venture out with the two youngest was definitely a little stressful so I am glad she was there to help me! My sister also came out for one night and we managed to get a little craft shopping in! Then Megan and Shane came and stayed with us and we had a blast visiting with them! I'm sure they were all kidded out from us! All we did was play and watch kids movies! Lol! They were definitely troopers! Unfortunately there are no pics of Megan and Shane...I forgot to bust out the time though! Thanks again to all of you who were able to come and help us out and visit with us, it means a lot to our family!

Grandma Boo and Harper on Harpers birthday!
Uncle Todd and his youngest niece!
Grandparents Ellis and all the granddaughters!
Olivia is MIA...she was a bit feisty that day!
My mom helping document Harpers first bath!
Mom and the girls...Ava and Olivia both have on big sister shirts! Cute!
Auntie Melissa and Harper :)
Such cute pictures! I am glad I could help out if only for a day!