Friday, October 14, 2011

I read a book!

if you can imagine that! so last night the power went out around 530 (so much for dinner!) and didn't come back on for about 5 hours. it wasn't the best situation, but thankfully it wasn't hot out and I had enough candles to make it through. charlie was not home during any of this...really late night at work. so what was a girl to do once the kiddos were in bed? read! i haven't read a book in forever. i didn't even know what to read! or if i would have enough candles to see to read! so i picked a book that i bought from a second hand bookstore a year and a half ago (i know!) and i read that for a couple of hours until bedtime. it was called chasing harry winston by lauren weisberger. she wrote the devil wears prada and i enjoyed that so i figured this should be good. it didn't disappoint! it was a fast read, i finished it this afternoon during nap time/lunchtime. it was also fluffy and girly and sometimes you just need to read a good chick book! unfortunately i remember why i don't need to read alot...i tend to get so wrapped up in the book that i don't get anything done! oh well... i enjoyed it while it lasted!

happy reading everyone!

1 comment:

  1. I know what you mean about getting wrapped up in a book. I solved some of that problem by reading right before bed-most of the time I am too tired to keep reading the book and have to stop (or fall asleep reading it!)
