Sunday, August 21, 2011

Big News!!!

I am so excited to announce the addition of Shadow to the Murren household! She is our beautiful little husky/german shepard mix that we got yesterday. She is 6 weeks old, mainly black but has little white socks on her feet and she has one blue eye and one brown. The girls are so excited to have her. This is Ava's first pet and she has been dying for years to get a dog. We told her that once we moved into a house she could get one and she has been reminding us constantly of that since we got here! So far she has been a great puppy and has gotten over her initial shyness and is now real playful and full of energy. 
So sweet!

Meet Shadow.

 Getting some much needed puppy rest!

 Ava playing with her this morning.

Olivia is not sure what to make of her yet. Shadow is trying to take her toys and Olivia doesn't like that.  Shadow likes to be all in her business and Olivia is not quite ready for that yet!