Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy Valentine's Day!

Hope everyone had a day filled with love!

My Valentines!

Harper loves the dogs balls!

My mismatched leading lady! She dressed herself! butt! :)

You ready for some funny faces?

 Hahaha! Love that kid!

Ava's turn for a funny face!

Harpers funny face

Monday, February 11, 2013

Weekend update

So this weekend it was me and the girls for the most part. Charlie had to work but did make it home late Sunday afternoon. We hung out around the house and played outside for the most part. Here are just a few shots of Ava and Harper...Olivia was napping when I snapped these.

Harper was really excited!

She was not a fan of walking onto the grass...she waited on the patio until I took her hand and walked with her onto the grass.

Sweet Ava...getting so big! Finally has all of her top teeth in...unfortunately there is still a baby tooth tucked behind one of those...probably will need to get pulled :(

The best of the two of them! Ava was not enthusiastic and neither was Harper!

Ava trying to catch bugs in the grass...whatever amuses her I guess :)

Harper trying to climb UP the slide...silly girl! 
my baby!