Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Starting Solids

So 2 days ago I decided to give Harper her first taste of solid foods. We started out with oatmeal cereal because none of the other kids liked the rice cereal. She did pretty well with it and ate most of it. We tried again yesterday and she mainly held it in her mouth and then spit it out.  She was also gnawing at the spoon so I think we are making progress! Yea!

My sweet girls! Growing up so fast!

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Garden update

So we've made progress on our garden...and we've had some issues with the garden...those mainly being the dogs eating the plants or digging in the garden. Oh well. So we finally built 2 "raised"garden beds. They weren't that raised...we had to dig in the ground to actually get it level...whatever.

In one of the beds we planted corn. I'm pleased to say we have lots of corn plants now! Yea! In the other bed we had planted carrots, beans, broccoli, tomatoes and peppers. Unfortunately this was the one the dogs liked to eat. We now only have beans and possible some carrots that I replanted. The rest were eaten or dug up. My sister has so generously given us some more tomato and pepper plants so I will replant those in that bed. Our watermelon plants were dug up and eaten as well. I will try to plant some more. Our blueberry bushes have given us a handful of blueberries, however the berries had been eaten by something. Maybe next year they will do better! My basil has not grown that much...not sure what's going on there...will try again.

All in all it's not too bad and I'm really excited about the corn and beans...since they have the greatest potential right now!

 Our new raised garden bed!

 Harper doing her part in building the raised bed!

Baby corn!                                                                      Baby beans!

They are bigger now too! And I added some more beans since they were doing well!

Mothers Day

I hope all you Mothers out there had a fabulous Mothers Day! I just wanted to share a picture of the yummy carrot cake Charlie made me! It was yummy! Not too many guys will go to the store and buy all the ingredients and make a cake from scratch! Thanks love!

 Ava taking my picture...budding photographer!


Ava pretending to lick the cake...her idea of course!

Last Week of School

So as the title mentions, it is Ava's last week of first grade! Yikes! I don't know what worries me more...staying home with 3 kids or the fact that I have a soon to be 2nd grader! She has had field day which her class got second place out of the first graders, class awards which she won an award for being small, sweet and a little nutty and water day which is today. Tomorrow her class is having a cook out which should be fun. Anyways...I made Ava's teacher a little thank you present for all the hard work she has done this year. I found my inspiration through pinterest and although it doesn't look exactly as I imagined it turned out pretty good! It's supposed to be a supply cake. Inside the boxes I put some supplies for her class for next year. I hope she likes it!

 Just because I can...here's Harper!

She likes sucking on her bottom lip!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Meet Nala!

Welcome to the family Nala! She is our new german shepard puppy. She is 13 weeks old now and has become fast friends with our other dog Jetta. She is very friendly and playful and loves giving kisses. She does tend to torture Jetta, she bites her legs and neck and steals her toys and food, but Jetta seems ok with it for now! Wait until Nala gets older Jetta!

Yes, she likes playing the the baby's bouncy seat.

Skirt dress...

So the other day I put Olivia down for a nap and I took her clothes off so she wouldn't get too hot. Well when she woke up apparently she felt the need to put some clothes on and this is what she came up with.

Its a skirt that can apparently function as a shirt/dress. Too funny! Love her!

Look familiar?

Can you guess who's who?

Happy 4 months Harper!

Our sweet little Harper turned 4 months old on Cinco de Mayo! She is such a cutie pie! We had her check up yesterday at the doctors office and here are her stats:
Weight: 15.4 lbs --80th percentile
Height: 24 1/4  in  --50th percentile
Head: 20th percentile

She got 3 vaccinations yesterday, 2 shots and an oral vaccine. She was a little fussy but she is doing well this morning!

Overall she is a fantastic baby. She goes to bed by 9 at night and wakes up at 9 in the morning! Love it! She refuses the bottle and pacifier which is fine by me! No bad habits to break! She is rolling over from her tummy to back and is working on rolling over the other way. She laughs and giggles and is pretty chatty when the mood strikes her!

Here are some recent pictures of her!

 Harper on her 4 month birthday!

 Look at those chubby little arms!

 Big sister love!

Grandma, I don't know if you recognize this outfit but you got this for Olivia when she was a baby!